What is the microbial cleanliness solution Nomad?

The Nomad is a microbial cleanliness testers (less than 60 seconds) without additional equipment and easy to store.

The Rapid Diagnostic Orientation Test (RDOT )Nomad is a real revolution in the bacterial contamination monitoring; testing the products has never been easier. We explain how it works !


3 microbial cleanliness testers for 3 different purposes :


  • Red Nomads detect all bacteria, yeasts and molds that are oxygen and ambient temperature tolerant.
  • Yellow Nomads are specially designed to detect yeasts and molds
  • Blue Nomads are designed to count coliform bacteria, such as Coli
  • A swab in a buffer solution allows a surface sampling.

Find the offer here!

Nomad testers are made of two different parts :


  • An outer plastic chamber to collect liquid samples and protect the palette;
  • A plastic immersion test sleeve (paddle) with a grid filter and an absorbent pad;
  • The buffer contains a dehydrated nutrient medium that allows the organisms to reproduce;
  • The 0.45 µm membrane filter is bonded to the nutrient pad which is heat sealed to an easy-to-handle paddle;
  • Each tester is sterilized and packaged in a sealed plastic envelope.


Nomad testers are used to count single colonies, which indicate the number of individual microorganisms in the original sample that are able to multiply.

Normal concentrations of microorganisms can vary widely, from zero in a large volume (sterile product) to millions in a small volume (wastewater).

Nomad testers are adapted to concentrations between 1 and 300 CFU per tester.


The goal of microbial cleanliness and Nomad testers :


Microbial cleanliness is a real challenge for every company operating in the agribusiness, water treatment as well as hospitals and laboratories, wishing to maintain good cleanliness practices.

Nomad testers are designed to easily perform CFU in situations or spaces without a dedicated microbiology laboratory. The testers will  be efficient for the same application but at a lower cost.

Nomad testers will allow you to statistically monitor microbial contamination thus, it will be easier to  protect your productions from the risks of damage linked to contamination.

This solution will allow you to take control of the contamination levels in the tested environment. This access allows you to establish trend analyzes and ensure that the contamination levels in your environment correspond to your predefined levels.


The connected Nomad solution :


The connected solution allows you to centralize the information on your phone or computer. The artificial intelligence associated with these products allows the counting of colonies as well as their identifications.

The app : a real support for monitoring microbial cleanliness :

  • Manages schedule and protocols
  • Saves the sampled point
  • Follow the test in progress using a QR Code
  • Automates the counting of colonies and the reports
  • Stores, shares and analyzes your data

The Nomad solution allows you to be autonomous,  understand the trends, and improving your good hygiene practices over time.