For several years now, virtual reality headsets are part of our daily lives and they are gradually starting to pop up in the labs.  This technology is no longer a simple entertainment stuff, it has become a true work tool to grow performance.

Virtual reality offers a 360° experience, using assets that simulate an IRL environment in the virtual world. For example, the most well-known experience in this area is with a smartphone and an adapted headset.

What benefits can bring virtual reality to your laboratory design project?

1. Make sure that the laboratory design project meets your demands

Thanks to the headset or virtual reality glasses and a team of experts, you can fully immerse yourself in the laboratory of your dreams: furnishings, instrumentation, supplies…  Much more than a simple 3D (even animated) visual, this solution makes it possible to create a copy and paste of a real space in which it is possible to move around and check all details.

This virtual place becomes your laboratory twin, thus you can check and improve:

  • Traffic flow to analyze the available space between benches or determine the door beats direction.
  • Accessibility to equipment, making sure that automats location is ideal for the lab mates who need them.
  • Benches organization to improve daily work comfort and make the samples handling more ergonomic and efficient.

The virtual laboratory is designed according to the space dimensions in which you want it to come to life. It then becomes a very faithful visualization that perfectly matches employee’s needs.

This project can be carried out for a laboratory under construction as well as for a laboratory that needs to be modernized.

This very realistic projection is also very convincing and delivers a whole WOW efect and experience: Your decision-makers, investors, your teams will be able to immediately project themselves and invest in the new development project you are designing. It is an invaluable asset to support change, to finance it, which concretely simplifies the decision-making and projection process.

2. Discover the power of the digital twin

What is the digital twin? The digital twin is now widely used in industrial environments. Perfect copy of a workshop, it allows to store many elements that are essential to its productive efficiency and simplifies the operator’s daily life.

It’s also true for laboratory environment: the space in which you work on a daily basis also exists virtually.

Digitizing such a space is a real benefit for everyone involved. Indeed, it allows you to easily and quickly access all types of virtual content to support your employees on a daily basis:

  • Device use instructions
  • Maintenance data sheet
  • Internal procedure documents
  • Videos: tutorials, product information…

The use of a digital twin is above all the assurance of being able to anticipate the necessary actions to take care of the laboratory.

Getting started, training in good practices, discover a new consumable or instrument…  the use cases are infinite and simplify access to information, in its context, an exact replica of the reality of your benches.

3. Develop an e-learning interface for your employees

With the virtual reality, it is now possible to create scenarios to train all employees:

  • To manage risks that may occur in a laboratory
  • To learn how to handle new material
  • To put into practice internal procedures

It is also possible to develop various training courses in a more playful format:

  • New employee integration
  • Practice in so-called hazardous work areas
  • Maintenance case simulation

The virtual space is entirely modeled in 3D to live an interactive experience (and a little more fun than consulting a brochure…)

The training of laboratory technicians is simplified and more attractive than ever !

Your laboratory in virtual reality means guaranteed 360° interaction

Specialized teams can support laboratories in this new aspect of digital transformation that you are already experiencing with robotization, intelligent transit, automation or data management.  Each project is customized to the real needs of laboratory technicians.  The only limit to virtual reality is your imagination.

The interaction between humans and laboratory performance is simplified.

LABELIANS experience brings its know how to your of your design project, and your laboratory efficiency.

If you also want to discover how to spell future, we will be delighted to meet you, IRL, to transform it!