Extending the life of lithium batteries for laboratory instrumentation is crucial. Indeed, many laboratory instruments are equipped with a lithium-based battery.

Electronic pipettors, for example, are equipped with them. These batteries are part of your daily life and have many advantages, but they also require a number of precautions to be taken in use, storage and charging.

Recharge the lithium battery of your instrument on a regular basis

It is strongly recommended that you never wait until your battery is completely discharged before recharging it. This would result in a reduction in charging capacity. Tests have been carried out on smartphones by the Cadex laboratory, which have shown that recharging a 100% discharged device allows only 500 recharge cycles, whereas if the device is recharged after only 10% loss of charge, it is possible to achieve 4,700 recharge cycles. Therefore, it is preferable to recharge your lithium battery regularly in order to extend its life as much as possible.

Avoid overheating to extend life of lithium batteries in the laboratory.

It is imperative to avoid overheating of Lithium batteries as the life of these depends on temperature of use.

Therefore, we strongly advise against exposing these instruments to sunlight or obstructing the vents used to ventilate the instrument.

Store your equipment carefully to preserve it and prolong the life of lithium batteries in the laboratory

Storing your equipment carefully will preserve it and prolong the life of your lithium batteries in the laboratory!

Indeed, numerous tests have shown that certain storage conditions can alter the efficiency of the battery. Inappropriate storage has the following consequences:

Approximately 2% loss per year at 40% charge and 0°C

Up to 6% loss per year at 100% load and 0°C

Up to 15% loss per year at 40% load and 40°C

An average of 35% loss per year at 100% load and 40°C

How do you store a lithium battery?

Apart from temperature and charge level, other parameters must be controlled by systematically relying on the manufacturer’s instructions and the instructions for use.

Control of mechanical risk: Lithium batteries must be protected from the risk of knocks or falls.

Controlling the electrical risk: the storage must protect the batteries against internal and external short circuits.

Controlling the risk of fire: if the batteries are not stored in a specific fireproof place, the instrument must be stored at least 2.5m from any flammable element.

Of course, defective batteries must be stored in a suitable cabinet for hazardous materials.