At the end of September, during the Sustainable Development Week, LABELIANS presented its CSR policy to its teams: a whole program of social, societal and environmental commitment, responding to four main issues!

LABELIANS is committed to diversity

During this week, the employees received our commitments to diversity – essential to our sustainable approach – and were able to discover its definition.

For us, diversity is a form of enrichment that allows us to develop a corporate management style that respects differences and promotes living together within teams. It is a source of dynamism at work with a positive impact on performance. But also, because the company of tomorrow wants to be responsible and the first actors of this change are the employees, LABELIANS is committed to diversity in order to be part of a sustainable approach.


…and for Pink October

But not only that! In 2022 – as every year – LABELIANS is mobilizing and committing itself to the League against
Cancer: all the Marketing Purchasing team is wearing KOLMI HOPEN masks in the colors of Pink October. Many of us have liked on social networks the video in which our colleagues parade in front of the camera with their hand stamped with the famous pink ribbon.

The campaign to raise women’s awareness of cancer screening and other female cancers and to support research continues
throughout the month of October! Congratulations in particular to the collection of bras in partnership with the association #DonneTonSoutif ! which allowed to gather about fifty underwear.


Commitment to public health, to its customers and to its employees: this is truly the DNA of LABELIANS and therefore of laviedulabo !