The European Directive 2004/18/EC of 2004 March 31st, and the 2004 Public Procurement Code authorizes purchasers to add environmental care criterias to public tenders for medical devices purchase projects.
Indeed, the specificities linked to sustainable development must be mentioned in the call for tenders. Thus, they will be an essential part of the contract attribution.
The ability to respond appropriately to environmental clauses in public procurement of medical devices has become a crucial selection criterion.
Today, many manufacturers or service providers claim to be on a sustainable development dynamic. So on what basis is it possible to evaluate them?

Criterion 1 : Product

The service provider responding to the call for tenders must be able to offer “green” products. That is to say that from crave to grave, the impact on the environment of a given device must be reduced as much as possible.

Certified devices manufacturers :

  • ECOCERT to justify that the manufacturer is in a process of production that respects environment, with an improved management of its natural resources, that it collaborates with socially responsible channels and that it offers quality and safe products.
  • ECOLABEL to justify that the products offered are of excellent quality without impacting the environment and health.
  • European Biocide standards (98/8/CE) to justify a real respect of the environment, concerning certain products (hygiene ranges for example).

Products that stand for green innovation :

  • Biodegradable : even if it is hard to imagine, there are new products in the laboratory world that are 100% decomposable.
  • Alternatives to chemical products : more and more new products are just as effective but without risk to health and the environment.
  • Product lines made of recycled plastic with no impact on laboratory analysis.

Strong partnerships towards sustainable development with :

  • Recycling subsidiaries such as VALDELIA for professional furniture.
  • Suppliers and deliverers who are part of a sustainable development approach.

Criterion 2 : Packaging and transport

The logistic part of a company is often a key element to study in terms of sustainable development. Today, many companies use recycled cardboard for the packaging of their products. They are also associated with recycling channels for a better management of their waste.
Finally, more and more delivery companies are committing to becoming greener by signing commitment agreements. The main points are:
  • The optimization of delivery drivers’ routes
  • The use of more environmentally friendly vehicles
  • Raising awareness among delivery personnel about eco-driving

Therefore, when awarding public tenders related to medical devices, the criteria of packaging, transport and recycling should not be overlooked.

Criterion 3 : CSR policy

Most companies say they are part of a CSR process. What does this mean ? And what are the main factors to take into account when selecting your future service provider ?
Very briefly, it must be a sincere approach of the company on 3 dimensions: environmental, social and societal.
To ensure that the future service provider is well established in this approach, it must have made commitments that will include well-defined criteria. Below are some examples of commitments that can be part of a CSR approach:
  • Reduce its environmental impact
  • Guarantee the well-being of its employees
  • Develop the usefulness of the company for the society

LABELIANS supports you

LABELIANS is committed to a sustainable development approach to public tenders of medical devices.
Today we have taken into account the requirements of commitments required by public procurements to ensure that we meet the criteria of sustainable development.
These multiple commitments and our extensive experience make us a partner with reliable values.