Many laboratories outsource the metrology of their equipment because they do not have the skills associated with these processes and in particular those associated with the correct reading of calibration certificates.
However, even when outsourced, the metrology process is not simply a matter of receiving a calibration or verification certificate and signing off.

Each stakeholder in the laboratory must be able to take ownership of concepts such as

  • the metrological connection strategy
  • the implementation of a metrological process
  • the definition of the connection periodicity
  • definition of the EMTs
  • metrological confirmations

to be able to use a calibration certificate or a certificate of conformity efficiently.

Medical biologists, laboratory managers, laboratory technicians, health managers, biomedical managers, any person performing functions within the metrology process may be concerned.

Biomedical managers, laboratory technicians, health executives, biomedical managers, any person performing functions within the metrology process may be concerned.

Reading calibration certificates: a part of the metrological process that needs support

You need to be accompanied in the acquisition of the necessary skills to have a synthesis between metrological needs/requirements and decision making.

This partner must be able to intervene with all those concerned by the metrological process in the laboratory.

They need to master the reading of calibration certificates and the interpretation of conformity reports.
The ideal partner is therefore an expert in quality and metrology.

He or she will be able to teach your employees the basic knowledge of metrology by using practical examples.
The training will cover pipettes, climatic chambers, temperature probes and centrifuges. In addition, calibration certificates will also be the subject of a specific focus.

Le bon partenaire existe !

LABELIANS smart service is an expert partner in this process.

En une demi-journée, les acquis de vos collaborateurs sont validés. Cette validation se fait à l’aide d’un questionnaire de fin de stage

You only need to contact us to start over with the process !