This week was special: it was the cervix cancer awareness week. Thus team highlights vaginal samples self-collection as the most accessible one for women to diagnose a cancer at an early stage. This early diagnosis is indeed the key to treatment success.

Health chain players actually play a key role in broadcasting this sampling practice, at their patients’ side.

Please read this article and check out how this solution may be from great benefit in this respect.

What is the today French background of cervix cancer

On Febuary 4th 2021, the French Republic President annonced a ten-year fighting strategy plan against cancers. This new approach aims to reduce considerably the burden of cancers on the French health system.

This strategy breaks down into 4 goals :

  • Reduce by 60 000 per year the number of avoidable cancers by 2040
  • Detect one million people in addition from 2025
  • Reduce by two-thirds to one-third the part of patients suffering sequelae 5 years after a diagnosis
  • Inflect significantly the growth rythm of cancer survival ratio by 2030

Since 2020 Apr.1st, HPV detection tests are redeemed by health public insurance system.

However, the conclusion is clear : 40% of women aged from 25 to 60 years old never take pap smears. This represents more than 6 000 000 of undetected French women cases. Incentives early diagnosis campaigns were therefore launched.

Why chosing vaginal samples self-collection ?

A multitude of reasons prevent women from getting tested : lack of time, modesty, beliefs or even fear.

This is why tests manufacturers such as ROVERS or COPAN paid particular attention women concerns by providing them an adapted sampling solution. Therefore, this innovation allows them to do the sampling privately in their home.

The common points with these vaginal self-collection systems are the following :

  • Comfort : No metal, no aggressive brush, the swab is soft
  • Simplicity : ergonomic design, delimited insertion lenght, the user manual is integrated
  • Innovation : the technological solution is patented

Which one is the best vaginal self-collection swab to recommend to your patients ?

COPAN swab

This swan exists in breakable and unbreakable. Its double tag traceability system allows to make safer the analysis tracking. For a first presentation of this type of product with the patients, this sampling system is ideal.


This is the choice of a product that pleases the patients because it is easy to use : the fins for the insertion limit, the “clicks” allowing to count the 5 necessary rotations as well as the container already integrated. It is the assurance of a correctly done vaginal self-collection.

What is laboratories interest in samples vaginal self-collection ?

Screening is performed via molecular biology techniques.

Many laboratories have chosen to invest in a molecular biology platform for PCR analysis in the midst of the ongoing health crisis. This equipment also provides a reliable analysis tool for vaginal self-sampling.

It will not therefore require a new financing package.

In addition, this screening test is fully supported by the Public National Health Insurance, which is an advantage for both the individual patient and the laboratory.

Last but not least, it enables us to make a strong contribution to the struggle with cervical cancer by providing patients with an innovative solution. Through vaginal self-sampling, the laboratory is supporting all women for a more peaceful future…