LABELIANS is a designer, manufacturer and distributor of comprehensive solutions for laboratories.

Without continuous innovation, there is no growth.

LABELIANS smart service, the metrology laboratory of LABELIANS, has demonstrated this by developing an accredited method for the dynamic temperature characterization of a centrifuge crown.

This was the first innovation of the LABELIANS smart service laboratory, and it will be the first of many.

CEB factory is not to be outdone. The UTX and Clinisperm were important innovations in their respective fields.

LABELIANS smart service : metrology innovation and more

The last year, the LABELIANS smart service laboratory was innovated on the Nemours site.

A metrology laboratory

There are a lot of experiences and a strong team in this laboratory. In this space, there is a technical lab to calibrate centrifuges or temperature probes, and an engineering office.

Learning, sharing expertise and exhange

At the LABELIANS smart service laboratory, you can find a learning space to host laboratories that we support in their accreditation procedures, for example. Regulary, our teams use it for our learning.

This exposition space is used to visualize the solutions offered. It is in open access for the whole team.

LABELIANS smart service Metrology laboratory
LABELIANS smart service - Learning

LABELIANS partners : the ecosystem power

To be more innovant, creative and pertinent, we must to pool our knowledges, our perspectives, without prejudice and without brakes.

This is why, we organised an ecosystem to activate efficiently the innovation on the biology sector. LABELIANS partners was created by this will to be an essential link in this chain wich unites biology, human health, manufacturers and distributors.

Dans LABELIANS partners, s’unissent :

In LABELIANS partners, join together :

  • Our laboratories customers – We take care to have a close relationship with our customers. This is thanks to this mutual sharing that we can understand the needs on the workbenches of all stakeholders – buyers, users laboratory technicians or biologists, researchers, students, etc.
  • Our supplier partners – Collaborate to pool our expertises to accelerate the marketing of offers that are perfectly suited to demand. We associate everybody skills to make live and to market innovations.
  • Welcom start-ups ! With pleasure, we host – on the tower ground floor of the LABELIANS smart service laboratory, people who innovate to serve our customers. We open our doors to students with a common course, start-ups or new talents ! We also support spin off of interests to their development.

Today, we offer you to join LABELIANS partners with enthusiasm in this innovation approach.

Forums, hackathons, study pool… Let’s share the moments to build the futur innovation LABELIANS smart servicve ! To join us, you can complete the contact form below !